Hala alSalman – “The Green Line”

I was grateful to run across something light-hearted to brighten up this nasty rainy day. (The Lebanese are even worse prepared for poor weather than bunch of Flatlanders*!)

What do you think? Is this a call for solidarity to women across the modesty spectrum?

Having tried out the bikini, the burqa, and everything in between, I have personally come to the conclusion that men are capable of detecting and objectifying femininity no matter what it’s swathed in. (Not only one man friend of mine has perfected the art of scoping out pleasing hindquarters hidden underneath abayas.) Perhaps there is no hope.

Or perhaps the hope lies within each of us. Maybe we just need to walk with dignity, stand with each other against violations of that dignity, and teach our sons and daughters to do the same!

*flatlander (noun): a person who is not from Maine, and therefore does not think it’s normal to drive to work in a raging blizzard